Hi, I’m Erica!

I’m a forever student and believe in western and eastern modalities. My mission in life is to combine both worlds and to support the role of healing physically, spiritually, and emotionally for all of my clients. I have experienced several physical injuries with resulting emotional trauma in my life, and I want to use my story and help others through their experiences.

My journey began as a young child with many health issues that no one could explain. From stomach pain to chronic infections, cystic acne, and severe allergies and then just repeatedly being given antibiotics to “cure”. I was also diagnosed with Scoliosis at age 11 and had physical pain and further issues stemming from my spine. In addition to physical pain, this came alongside mental and emotional challenges as well. While I was interested in holistic health and functional movement at this time, it wasn’t till my early twenties that I decided to explore this route further. 

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